
Boss staits

List of bosses[edit]

Note: All bosses have the same base values for Health (150), Movement (6), and Defense (5).

  Boss Initiative Marksmanship Melee Intimidation Leadership Persuasion
Profile boss Al Capone.png Al Capone 65 75 60 90 60 50
Profile boss Angelo Genna.png Angelo Genna 77 75 77 50 50 40
Profile boss Daniel McKee Jackson.png Daniel McKee Jackson 62 85 60 75 60 80
Profile boss Dion OBanion.png Dion O'Banion 72 75 65 90 60 75
Profile boss Elvira Duarte.png Elvira Duarte 52 75 56 65 70 65
Profile boss Frank Ragen.png Frank Ragen 80 75 85 55 60 50
Profile boss Frankie Donovan.png Frankie Donovan 75 90 65 50 60 100
Profile boss Goldie Garneau.png Goldie Garneau 60 75 61 55 60 100
Profile boss Joseph Saltis.png Joseph Saltis 73 75 88 84 71 70
Profile boss Mabel Ryley.png Mabel Ryley 62 75 58 50 50 40
Profile boss Maggie Dyer.png Maggie Dyer 65 75 90 55 60 25
Profile boss Sai Wing Mock.png Sai Wing Mock 67 75 62 50 50 65
Profile boss Salazar Reyna.png Salazar Reyna 77 75 66 50 50 65
Profile boss Stephanie St Clair.png Stephanie St. Clair 70 75 55 50 50 80
Категория: Обзоры (игры) | Добавил: White_Horse (18.04.2021)
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