Al Capone |
Rain of Fire: Al Capone fires a stream of bullets over the highlighted area. Anyone caught in the area of attack is suppressed and will take damage when they move. |
- Breweries: Reduces the cost of Production upgrades for Breweries.
- Brothels: Reduces the cost of Ambience upgrades for Brothels.
Stronger Bonds: Higher passive Faction gain when in a Defensive pact. |
Angelo Genna |
Fan of Knives: Angelo can fillet his foes with a barrage of throwing knives. He picks one or multiple targets and once selected releases a flurry of blades at the targets. |
- Speakeasies: Reduces the cost for Speakeasy upgrades.
- Breweries: An extra guard for Breweries.
At Your Service: Faction Rating (When honoring pacts): +100
Honor gain (When honoring pacts): +50
Daniel McKee Jackson |
Last Rites: Jackson surgically unloads a full clip of his pistol into a target. If the target dies before the clip is empty, another target is automatically chosen. Each enemy killed by Last Rites reduces its cooldown. |
- Brothels: Reduces the chance of raids for Brothels.
- Casinos: Increases the earnings from Casinos.
Founding Farther: Reduced threat generation (with large empire). |
Dion O'Banion |
Blastphemy: Dion shoots his target with an explosive shotgun slug, knocking them back and destroying their armor. |
- Breweries: Reduces the upkeep cost for Breweries.
- Speakeasies: Reduces the cost of Ambience upgrades for Speakeasies.
Turncoat: Truces don't last as long.
Business Arrangement difficulty is higher.
Elvira Duarte |
Devil's Breath: Elvira is the Devil on her enemy's shoulder. She blows a cloud of psychotropic smoke in her target's face. The entranced then becomes her ally. |
- Brothels: Reduces the cost of Security upgrades for Brothels.
- Casinos: An extra guard for Casinos.
Peacemaker: Extra faction rating when making non-aggression pacts with other factions. |
Frank Ragen |
Home Run: Frank rushes a targeted enemy and delivers a powerful melee blow, knocking the enemy down. If the target is killed, you gain the Batter Up! effect and will strike any enemy that gets too close. |
- Breweries: Reduced Production rate for Breweries.
- Speakeasies: Reduced Upkeep costs for Speakeasies.
Strength In Numbers: Reduced Threat generation when the crew size is 6 or greater. |
Frankie Donovan |
Unleash Fury: Frankie unleashes a flurry of melee strikes against an enemy. Every kill spurs on his fury more, restoring his AP, but causes him to become exhausted. |
- Speakeasies: Reduces the cost of Word of Mouth upgrades for Speakeasies.
- Breweries: Increases the Production rate for Breweries.
Bygones be Bygones: Reduced negative effects with other factions (from previous wars). |
Goldie Garneau |
Killer Queen: Goldie brings enemies to their knees, by putting a mark on her enemies. Once marked, she fires a shot at each target. Each shot has an improved critical chance and ignores defense. |
- Speakeasies: Increased earnings from Speakeasies.
- Casinos: Reduces the cost of upgrades for Casinos.
Room To Grow: Lower threat generation in shared neighborhood. |
Joseph Saltis |
Stampede: Joseph charges forward dealing a large amount of damage and knocking back the first enemy in his path. Any enemy caught in his path is damaged and knocked back. |
- Brothels: Increased earnings from Brothels.
- Speakeasies: Speakeasies start with an extra level on their upgrades.
Jive Joint: Decreased neighborhood threat generation when opening a speakeasy. |
Mabel Ryley |
Swindler's Shot: Mabel marks multiple targets at once and takes a trick shot that ricochets between them. Anyone caught in the bullet's path, takes damage and has the Deep Wounds effect applied. |
- Casinos: Reduces the cost of Security upgrades for Casinos.
- Casinos: Reduces the chance of raids for Casinos.
Fair Price: Higher chance to accept trades. |
Maggie Dyer |
Lion Tamer: Maggie targets an enemy with her whip and draws them to a nearby tile. She delivers them a devastating punch once they are in range, dealing damage and knocking them down. |
- Brothels: Reduces the cost of Security upgrades for Brothels.
- Speakeasies: Reduces the chance of raids for Speakeasies.
The Heartbreak Kid: Reduced Faction rating lossed when breaking treaties and business arrangements. |
Sai Wing Mock |
Death Blossoms: Sai Wing Mock loves an explosive introduction. He selects three locations and throws a bomb at each one. Each bomb explodes into a cloud of smoke, poisoning all nearby characters. |
- Brothels: An extra guard for Brothels.
- Casinos: Reduces the cost of Casino games.
Enemy Of My Enemy: Enemy trades and truces do not reduce faction rating with factions in business arrangements. |
Salazar Reyna |
Santa Muerte: Deliver unto the lady of Holy Death. Reyna wields dual revolvers and spins in a circle, firing a shot into all enemies around him that are within range. |
- Brothels: Reduces the cost for Ambience upgrades for Casinos.
- Casinos: Increases the draw for casinos.
Head Hunter: Reduce threat generation when killing other bosses. |
Stephanie St. Clair |
Firing Squad: At Stephanie's command any friendly or allied characters that are within range of her will open fire at her selected targets. |
- Breweries: Reduces the cost for Storage upgrades for Breweries.
- Casinos: Reduces the Security upgrade cost for Casinos.
Roll Of The Dice: Reduced neighborhood threat generation when opening a Casino. |